Interesting Ideas When It Comes To Hiring A Caricature Artist As Party Entertainment

Interesting ideas when it comes to hiring a caricature artist as party entertainment.

When it comes to entertainment you should hire the best quality caricature artist you can afford. Being a professional caricatuirist is a fun and enjoyable job. I've been working as a caricaturist at parties since 1982. I imagine at this point my art school education has paid off ten fold. Caricatures are a unique drawing, one of a kind, and hand drawn. Some artists offer digital caricatures, which can be sent as an online caricature in the form of a pdf file or jpg file. Caricature artists' drawings are timeless and great for any type of party idea or gift idea. Most people look at a caricature as being a bad portrait. Remember a character drawing Is not a celebrity photo. It's a funny, exaggerated cartoon portrait. A caricture is a big head drawing with a little body. I know a great amount of party cartoonists and party caricaturists working in the entertainment business. New York City caricature artists seem to get the most work.

I really enjoy doing a show or convention. Most conventions are for multiple days. The more days you sketch caricatures for, the bigger the paycheck. Artists are a popular tradeshow entertainment attraction. I draw characatures at a trade show quite often. The illustrations I do make people laugh out loud. To enjoy a party cartoonist you need to have a sense of humor. That's why having a caricature artist working at your trade shows is a great idea. At a tradeshow the caricature should be drawn as quickly as possible. I like tradeshows the best, I always get great response.

Weddings are also a lot of fun to draw cartoons at. A prom is like a mini wedding.

Many people like to make a sign up list. I find sign up lists do not work.

At a dinner or banquet, listing names can get very much unorganized.

At a kids birthday I give out an index card with a number. Birthdays have always been very popular for a caricature artist, but I still think for humour a clown can be more popular.

The custom caracatures I draw are in color or black & white.I think color charicature is better looking, but of course black & white charicatures are faster. Caricature artists work for many different entertainment agency type companies.Most party planners hire lower tier artists. When it comes to party planning you can do a lot on your own.With a little research you can come up with your own party planning ideas. You can Google words like cartoon cartoons, cartoon artist, cartoon artist New Jersey, caricaturist tri-state area or new York party caricatures.

You can also search proms, gifts, or wedding. Always check out the sample caricatures New York artist's show on their website.

Last year I went to Brooklyn, NY to do a post grad party; it's similar to a post prom or after grad party. At this post graduation I drew for seven hours. The next day I did an after prom party in Long Island, NY. There are many funny characters at these post proms parties. At one of the after proms, I drew 2 sets of twins in the same cartoon picture. They were acting like clowns.The ride home back to New Jersey is difficult after working such long hours at the after graduation. I like doing project graduations closer to home. Project grads are really long hours wise.

Bar mitzvahs are great to draw at as well.

Many bat mitzvahs in Manhattan have at least a hundred plus kids to draw.

At a bas mitzvah I've done a silhouette, which is a cut out portrait on black paper. I prefer doing cartoon caricature drawings over silhouettes.I draw caricatures in NYC, about 20 times a month.

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