Funny Animation

Animation is a very special media. It is new and full representation of reality. Funny animation attracts attention of viewers to get into the goal. Website, presentations, product demos, advertising, public events must have some funny animation stuff to readers or viewers to attract. This is a very easy now with computers, software and tools. The generation of graphics and animation to create this animation is also great work. Animation is not as strong, but widely used and appreciated. Funny animations are popular in computer games, cartoon channels, etc. The great movies funny animation is used to fill gaps in reality just does not look real enough.

Funny animation is the process of connecting a series of slightly different funny cartoon drawings together to simulate a movement. There are usually 24 or fewer frames per second in the dramatic movie, and it happens in similar animated GIFs you see on websites.

Techniques applied to the funny animations:

There are three different types of cartoon animation techniques:

1st Cell Animation cartoons are made of transparent plates (celluloid) on top of each other characters and backgrounds together.
2nd Stop motion animation puppet or model or animation (or shadow) is a frame shot at a time with small changes in attitudes.
3rd Computer animation when the computer is used to create the shapes and colors of animated action, working from a series of mathematical codes, or can be drawn frame by frame animations.

Best Use of funny animation:

The User Interface design in software, web applications and websites many fun animations are popularly used. Buttons, pop-up thing, comment box, help (like MS Word Help and search dogs) are designed with animations, a pleasure to see the animation shows. There are many funny animations used in electronic publishing on the internet and television media. Advertisers can create fun animated movies without commercials a human model. They can bend the animated character, to what extent. There are many cartoon animation created in the film industry in Hollywood.

Creating animations

Storyboards preparation is the first document to update the list of transitions to another location. The body shapes, faces, hands, legs, dress up and introduce color sequential steps. You can use some common form alphabets to create face, flower, tree, home, etc. Based on the distance of the objects you need to resize the object or character to draw. In the computer, you can repeat with a partial mirror image drawing effect. There are many effects can be designed for low working the animated objects. Flip Book is a monster that can be used when creating computer graphics animation. You can draw frame by frame and change the graphics in each frame as a flip book sequential images. You can find a good animation of your drawing object.

Think of some funny noises that match your motions animated object or character movements. Funny laugh sounds like, flips, chain rattling, footsteps, doors creaking, whistling wind, rain, thunder and lightning, barking dogs, etc. can be picked up at libraries and frameworks to incorporate specific. For a good animator funny, you should consider how form can change and move in a humorous way.

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